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Our services, Your Support!


People who established Unified Systems have experience with big market players in the field of Unified Communications, and through working with those market leaders, they felt the customer frustration in areas ignored by those market leaders’ service contracts. It was apparent an obvious gap needed handling in these contracts.

Scenario 1: A big enterprise client calls and they have a problem, the engineer opens the case with lower severity, meaning lower priority that will not get attention for a week or two. The client is not happy but the service contract the enterprise struck leaves him with no other choice. In this case and others, a flexible contract with Unified Systems is the choice, as we will prioritise your support case as per your business needs.

Scenario 2, the enterprise has signed up for an in hours contract then an issue has arisen that rendered the system down for a whole weekend or overnight, normally in these cases the cost is huge as the enterprise requires support out of hours. With Unified Systems, out of hours is in hours for us and we will give you the support you need when you need it most within the same flexible contract.

Our contracts start are quarterly, or annually contract so you only commit to us after being totally satisfied with the services we offer, so you are not obliged to pay big to get support, you also do not have to take a big leap of faith to try our service. 

We provide the best in Unified communications solutions, direct contact with our suppliers; we help our clients round the clock.

We Support the products of Aspect, Avaya and Cisco Upgrades, support and more.

Unified Systems Services include:

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The latest information about us on this page. Our company is constantly evolving and growing. We provide wide range of services. Our mission is to provide best solution that helps everyone. If you want...
